We are committed to eco-living as a health, environmental and philosophical choice.
... which means our guests benefit as well!
Usually when accommodation is promoted as eco, the cost is high. And yet we demonstrate how it can easily be offered as a price-accessible, great value option.
We only very rarely find price-accessible eco accommodation when we travel, and despite attempts to minimise toxicity in the places we have stayed, we have been completely overwhelmed more often than not - especially during the pandemic. This canary in a coalmine (Maia) was nearly falling off the perch, I can tell you!
This would be similar for anyone with asthma or various ways of suffering a compromised immune system. Beyond that, many other people are struggling with their health, and their bodies are over-burdened with the synergistic and cumulative effects of multitudinous toxins we're all exposed to every day in our polluted environment and with most conventional, every day products.
And by the way, just because something is sold in a supermarket or pharmacy, that doesn't mean it is safe and non-toxic for humans! And BEWARE of 'greenwashing' ... marketing spin for products pretending to be eco and safe when they actually aren't. All you need do is take a close look at the ingredients. There is an abundance of effective, well-priced, genuinely safe eco products that you can discover with just a little bit of research. (You're also welcome to ask us!)
When we say eco, we mean that wherever possible, as much as possible, we prioritise sustainability and choose eco options (i.e. natural or organic).
Eco cleaning products
Eco personal care products
As much as possible, out-gassed furnishings
Filtered rainwater for drinking
Fragrance-free toilet paper and tissues
Toxic products
Synthetic/artificially fragranced products (a.k.a. 'volatile aromatic solvents')
'Sick building syndrome'
We say 'as much as possible' because despite our best efforts, we cannot guarantee 100% eco.
For example, if a previous guest does not care about these things and uses their own, synthetic/artificially fragranced personal care products instead of those we provide (and encourage them to use), it can linger for some days in furnishings (a lounge chair, the bed, linen, etc.) We can completely change the linen and clean it off all the hard surfaces, however, it's not practical to change the furniture!
Nor can we control what our neighbours do. Fortunately we live in a native bushland area with wonderfully clean, fresh air - a long way from cropping farms and other hotspots for toxic chemical use (we chose our home with that in mind!). And fortunately, we are positioned very well and privately tucked away from neighbours, however, we cannot guarantee that they won't use a chemical product that drifts through the air.
For certain, our sanctuary offers far more of a no-toxic/low-toxic option than just about everywhere else. That, we can guarantee.
We are dedicated to eco and sustainability, which also includes expanding our solar power and adding a wind turbine and battery storage as we go (among other things).
If you care about the planet, the environment, the health and wellbeing of humans and animals, then you'll love our sanctuary.
If you are chemically sensitive, please contact us, so we can find out what your specific needs are and let you know whether we can cater for them.